
The Truths About Preschool That Your Child Must Know Before Attending

What does my child need to know before preschool?

The truth is, teaching a small child can be quite difficult. Parents try their best to teach their children all they can, but as we know each child has his/her unique way of doing things. However, irrespective of your child’s plans, you will have to ensure that he/she is aware of the basics before going to a preschool. Here is a list of basic things you need to work on.

Their identities Prior To Preschool

The very first thing your child needs to know is his/her own identity. Who they are? Who their parents are? And most importantly where they live? These things are necessary for a child not only at school but for their life after school as well. God forbid if your child gets lost, he/she should be able to find their way back home as they get older. This has happened in many cases, lost children have found their way back home with the help of the information taught by their parents. Think of it and prepare your child for the worst case scenario.

Physical Development of Your Child

As parents, we know that our children need physical activity and adequate nutrition to stay healthy. We do everything in our power to protect these toddlers from injury and danger. We even have their small bodies vaccinated against the invasion of life-threatening diseases.

But with today’s hectic lifestyle, we are often guilty of condemning our children (for hours) to the inert world of entertainment. . . we throw them in front of the television, where we know they are safe; they are happy, and we take them into a habit that we may soon regret. Can your child really suffer the ill effects of low physical activity? Yes! An inactive childhood is harmful not only to your child’s social and emotional development but also to cognitive development.

Educational psychology experts say activities such as running, climbing and jumping create important networks in the brain. These cognitive connections will need to be in place when your child learns to read, write and think about mathematical concepts.

Therefore, encourage children to play games like jumping rope, climbing stairs or slides and making angels in the snow. Play fun games together, like” where you order your child to do a variety of silly tasks – jump on one foot, walk like a crab or walk straight. Enjoy a throw and catch a match with a ball, a beach ball, a bag of beans or a tennis ball.


Children need to be taught about the importance of cleanliness. With a child in the house, you must always be cautious of your activities. They are silent observers and will pick up your habits quickly. You wouldn’t even get the chance to realize your mistakes. Teach them to wash their hands before and after eating and especially after using the bathroom.

Basic knowledge Before Starting Preschool

Before a child starts going to preschool, he/she must be ready with the basic knowledge they need in school. Alphabets, nursery rhymes, colors, and shapes are things your child should know already. Apart from this, try to make them computer friendly. It is a technologically advanced world and we all know how important computers are. If you think you need professional help for this, find educators who excel in training children. This way you can be sure that your child acquires quality education.

Behavior management

Every child has his/her own temperament. Children have free will and sometimes they refuse to follow orders. This is what you need to take care of at home. Teach them to get along with everyone. Teach them to obey their elders. Children can become unruly, and you can get complaints from the school about your child’s behavior. Teach them manners, that’ll last a lifetime.

Bringing up children the right way is difficult for parents. Sending your children to school is definitely one of the best things you can do for them. School should be a memorable experience for them, try to put a solid foundation of knowledge for your children upon which they can build their future. Gathering knowledge is something which will definitely help you at some point in time.

The emotional development of your child

For the sake of your child (and yours), maintain a healthy and stable family life. The level of stress at home plays a crucial role in your child’s academic success. The physical and emotional needs of a child require satisfaction. If you are not satisfied at home, these needs are placed on the shoulders of the teacher. Before parents get divorced, they must consider the effect their decision will have on their children. Psychologists tell us that divorce or desertion has the same effect on a child as the death of a parent. When children of divorce struggle to cope with the mourning and confusion of homes in difficulty, learning takes second place.

The cognitive development of your child

One of the most critical factors in developing your child’s intellect is simply this: let him/her experience the world as much as possible! Take your child to the supermarket.  When you walk down the aisles, talk about things big and small, soft and hard, sweet and bitter, or crispy and tender. Get ready to answer embarrassing questions! Let them find the hall where cheese, toilet paper and ice cream are. This is an excellent introductory course in notation, a high-level thinking skill. Be prepared to answer questions about science and remember that simple answers will do the trick. Introduce yourself to nature on your doorstep! Discover all the living creatures in your garden. See how they live, work and play. Play board games and guessing games with your child. You cannot begin to imagine how many skills you teach your children when they play together.

And finally, read with your child every day! Teach pre-reading techniques – looking from left to right and from top to bottom, pointing each word down, looking at the meaning of the pictures and predicting what might happen next. Learning to read should be the natural result.

Preschool Basics – By Nannies And Kids United

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