
Master The Skills Of Manners And Responsibility For Your Children

Manners and Responsibility/Chores kids can and should do.

Manners are an important part of life in general for all people. When we speak of manners we think of proper etiquette, kind habits, and so much more. How people behave and their manners can literally affect their quality of life and everything that they do. When we speak of manners and proper etiquette we not only speak of adults but also children. Children can be heavily influenced to practice good manners and proper etiquette with the right approach.

The Importance

A good teacher of manners and etiquette is always needed for a child to learn these skills and habits. Understanding the nature of good manners and their derivatives are of utmost importance when speaking and navigating through our everyday lives. There are some tried and true ways that adults can teach their kids and the younger generation to have more responsibility and better manners and etiquette overall.

It is a common desire for adults and parents to have their children behave and learn manners appropriately. Not only for good habits and practices within the home environment, but also when the child is outside of the house in the public or another person’s home. 

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Children also learn by routine, so one can develop a chore list for your child to practice and perform on a daily basis. This can be extremely effective because the child learns through positive reinforcement and repetition. They see a reward for a job well done by their parent or relative simply saying, “Great job!” or “ You did such an amazing job setting the table today!”


Children get used to the repetition and the positive accolades and comments to the point that it makes them want to perform more chore tasks to get the same results. Or, maybe they get to watch a movie or play a game when they are done with their chores. This can be very effective as well. Positive rewards teach your child that there are benefits, rewards and positive effects of their work. Again, tasks such as chores are best performed on a daily basis as a routine checklist and practice with rewards and positive reinforcement. Now it may seem like your child is not interested at all in chores. Or, you may feel like your child doesn’t possess the capacity for daily chores. The key here is to keep the chore routine and chores as simplistic as possible.


 Another key is to make the chores easy to accomplish, comprehend and understand for your child. If the tasks are too difficult or overwhelming and not consistent in a routine, your child may not be as likely to respond in positive and effective ways.  Some interesting and effective proven chores for kids that they will enjoy and be successful at are the simplest ones that they will truly enjoy and be equipped to handle.

Chores are a way to teach a child responsibility and reinforce good habits and manners as well. Some of the best household chores for kids are

1.) Setting the table

2.) Wiping down counters, tables or surfaces in the home

3.) Putting things away.

The benefits

These may seem like the simplest tasks, but for your child, these chores will truly be enjoyable milestones that will teach your kids responsibility and other valuable lessons in life. When a child learns to set a table they are learning to establish order because that is the first step in presenting a meal. A perfectly set table sets the standard for the total meal experience. You can even go into detail when teaching your child to set the table. You can draw a diagram of a perfectly set table. The possibilities are endless!

You can teach your child to clean by the simple task of wiping down the counter or other household surfaces. This chore is simple enough for the child to execute and will teach them that cleanliness is of utmost importance. The next chore you can teach your child is the art of putting things away in their place as a part of daily organizing. Things in the home are often scattered and can get in disarray but with the simple act of putting things back where they belong, more order can be achieved within the home. Kids can definitely help with this task. Overall teaching your kids responsibility and household chores can be exciting, fun-filled and very beneficial for the whole family.




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