live in nanny

How Is a live in nanny More Cost Efficient than Daycare!

The moment you find out you are about to welcome a little bundle of joy into your home, you start planning the rest of your life. You want to provide the best care for them and you always want to be there for them. But sometimes both these desires clash. In order to provide the best care possible, you need to head out to fulfill your work obligations, which means you can’t always be there for them. But what you CAN do is ensure there is someone who will provide the care, love and nurturing that they need and deserve, even in your absence.  

 This is when the major decision of selecting between a live-in nanny and daycare start daunting on you. You want to provide the most optimum care possible at the best price available. And although parents generally believe that a live-in nanny will cost them an arm and a leg, it is not really the case. If you do proper evaluations and consider the other overhead costs of enrolling your child in a daycare, you will realize that a live-in nanny is not only more convenient, but cost-efficient too. Here’s our roundup of ten reasons how a live-in nanny can actually save you more of your precious money than you may have previously thought:

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1.     Only Specific Hours

There are only so many hours that a child can spend at a daycare. Plus daycares have specific timings. So if you have an early breakfast meeting with potential clients, then you’d either have to tag your kids along and let it cost you in terms of lost business or look for other alternatives like a babysitter or nanny.  And things do keep coming up, whether business, social or personal related, where you need to leave the kids behind and head out to fulfil adult obligations.

So on an average, even if you need to look for a babysitter four times a month for around two hours each time, it could really add up along with the monthly fee of the daycare.

2.     Charges per Child

It doesn’t matter if you have two kids or ten, as long as they need adult supervision, it will cost you. So unless your eldest is old enough to take care of the siblings for a minimal cost of a pass to a concert on the other side of the country, a live-in nanny will be most cost-effective. So if you have more than two kids, a live-in nanny can slash the costs by half or even more compared to daycares.

3.     Other Chores

A daycare will look after your child, feed them and settle them for a nap; and that’s about it. You will come home to a messy house, dishes in the sink and laundry piled up. A reliable live-in nanny not only looks after the kids, but your home too. You may even be welcomed with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, hot cookies in the oven or a steaming pot roast ready to be served on the stove. This means you come home to happy, relaxed kids and some of the housework sorted out for you.

4.     More Cost-effective than Live Out Nannies

A live-in nanny is not only more cost effective than a day-care but also cheaper than live out nannies. Since a live in nanny wouldn’t have rent or grocery bills to pay, she will charge less than a live-out nanny that comes early in the morning and leaves by evening.

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5.     Making it a Home in Your Absence 

Does the plumber need to come fix the bathroom faucets? You’d have to take unpaid leave to rush back home and get the work done. Not if there already is someone at home to take care of such matters! Managing work and home can be a real juggle, and having a live in nanny just makes it a little bit easier to handle.

6.     Adjusts with Your Schedule

Not everyone works on a 9 to 5 job, but daycares run on specific timings. So if your job requires you to work odd hours, then a live in nanny may be the only option available to you.

7.     Time-Saving

The life of daycare can be tough for you and your little one. The tiny little bundles of joy are not ready for such strict routines at such a young age. So if your little one is teething and has been restless the entire night, the last thing he or she needs is to be woken up at 7 am to take a bath, get ready and head out to daycare. And as any parent will tell you, a cranky kid is not the easiest to handle. You too wouldn’t look forward to the one hour struggle of waking them up, getting them ready, dropping them off and then reaching work all drained out for the day. Wouldn’t it be so much easier to just kiss them goodbye while they are still flying on unicorns and head to work with your energy levels still intact?

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8.     Commuting Expenses

Taking the kids to and from day-care is time-consuming and costly.

9.     No Sick Policies

Most daycares have no sick policies. They do not allow kids who are unwell to stay at the daycare in order to prevent other children from catching on the infection.  So if your child is under the weather the chances are he would need to take the day off. This means you’d either have to stay back home or look for last-minute alternatives like a babysitter or some family member.

10. Accidents and Vulnerable to Infections and Diseases

It’s hard to tell a child is sick until the symptoms are in full throttle, and by that time it is usually too late; which means the chances of other kids at the daycare catching the infection are way too high. Add to that the fact that kids are more prone to accidents at daycares because there are way too many kids and very few caretakers to give due to attention to each child, you are just putting your kid in an unsafe environment that can cost you more than just money.  

As is evident, a live in nanny is not just cost-effective, but a much-needed assistance that can only help you take care of your child in the best possible manner.

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