childhood obesity

Fun and Fitness: Addressing Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is a growing problem globally. Obesity for all ages is a billion-dollar industry. As parents, you may be wondering how to keep your child fit without making them feel like you are doing something boring and healthy. It seems like children hear healthy and run the other way. The best way to keep your kids fit is to help them be active in fun and unique ways.

Sports Are Great to Combat Childhood Obesity

Sports are a fantastic way to get kids moving. Soccer, baseball, basketball, volleyball, and cheer or dance are fantastic activities for children. However, not every child will enjoy sports. If your child likes a sport, encourage them to play in an organized league, but you do not have to stick just to that. Playing in the yard and hanging out with friends can also make these sports enjoyable.


Competitions do not have to be sports. You can compete with your child to see who can clean rooms the fastest, walk the most steps in a day, or even jump the highest. Anything that gets the heart rate up is a great activity for fitness. Don’t forget the safety precautions, though. Pads and helmets should be worn for biking or skateboarding. Competitions can come with bragging rights or fewer chores for the winner.

Dance Parties

Sometimes it feels good to dance to your favorite song. Kids don’t have to take dance classes to enjoy jamming to their favorite tunes. Call up Alexa, Google, or Siri for their favorite music and dance the day away. If they have been missing friends, invite them over for some dance and good food. You might even sneak in some veggies.

Strength Training

Cardio is excellent for your child’s heart, but strength training is also essential. However, your child doesn’t need to lift weights all day. You can let them do exercises to strengthen their cores, though. Sit-ups, push-ups, and pull-ups are great for building strength, as is climbing a rock wall. Make fitness fun for your children for the most participation.

Bring Back Outdoor Time

Just because your child loves video games doesn’t mean they need to play them like a job. Even if your child spends many hours in school online right now, you can limit their free time inside. Ensure that your child gets at least 30 minutes a day of outside time, weather permitting. When the weather is bad, tap into those dance parties or a fun video you can do inside. Basketball dribbling can be done in the kitchen, but you will want to set ground rules.

Final Thoughts on Childhood Obesity

Parents can combat obesity with the right combination of activities for any child. If your child is very reluctant to participate, ask them what they would like to do. Children are naturally busy people. Sometimes, the “non-athlete” likes to spend time exploring nature and hiking, which can be great physical activity. You should never feel that your child has to follow a prescribed plan if your doctor hasn’t suggested it.

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