As a parent, it can be hard to know the best ways to raise your children. Some advocate for strictly traditional methods while others argue that there’s no such thing as a “perfect” way to do anything. In terms of childhood development, this is generally true from a research standpoint. Studies show no significant differences between children raised by parents who are married and those whose parents are not. The same for traditional versus “unconventional” families who live together outside of marriage.
It’s important to remember that each child is unique and that what worked for your parents may not work for you. A combination of trial and error and the advice of others, including friends, family members, child development experts, social workers, and even teachers will help you figure out what works best for your child. Each family is unique, and there is no way to get all the answers right or even most of them right.
There are a few things, however, that you can do to raise children who can handle their stress well. These tend to be traditional parenting methods (i.e., a top-down approach), but there is no “right” way to parent in every situation nor is there a set of parenting rules that apply across the board.
The Most Common Approaches in Raising Children Include
- Traditional methods, which focus on the family as a unit and teach children right from wrong by rewarding good behavior and reprimanding bad behavior.
- Unconventional methods, which focus on a more democratic process where the raising of children is shared by parents along with teachers and other authority figures.
One thing that almost all parenting experts agree upon is that stress can be a major factor in childhood development. The effects of stress can be serious and long-lasting, so parents must do their best to reduce the amount of stress in the home.
Ways to Reduce Stress
The first way that parents can reduce stress in their child’s life is by giving them a safe, loving, and stable environment. This is especially important during a child’s early years. It also helps to create routines that involve things like eating and going to bed at the same time every day. Children who are allowed to be picky eaters, or permitted to sleep in, tend to struggle with controlling their eating and sleeping habits later on in life.
Second, parents should try to alleviate the internal stress that a child may face by helping them develop good habits such as exercising and sleeping enough. If your child struggles with falling asleep at night and staying in bed until a certain hour, you can help him or she develop the habit of going to bed early. You can do this by making sure that your child isn’t tired when it’s time to go to bed and by making sure a bedroom is a comfortable place. You can even purchase special sleeping aides and calming agents from a health or drug store, or visit your doctor for advice on whether these are necessary.
A Sense of Security
Finally, parents should try to reduce external stress as well. This includes providing children with a sense of security at home, school, and within the neighborhood. Here are some suggestions for how to do this:
Developing a Sense of Security at Home
Parents need to work with their children in developing a sense of security within the home. For example, if your son is afraid of the dark or has trouble sleeping because he worries about monsters, you should encourage him to tell a trusted adult about these fears. In addition, making sure that your child feels safe helps him feel secure within himself and develop an inner strength that will help him mature into an emotionally well-adjusted adult.
Developing a Sense of Security at School
In addition to working with your children to improve their sense of security while they’re home, you should also use the same techniques when they attend school. You can do this by encouraging your child to talk about his or her worries with a trusted teacher or guidance counselor. Even if you feel that what your child is worrying about is silly, encouraging them to talk about their worries may help them come up with solutions for problems that don’t seem so big. It may also help them to put some of their worries into perspective.
Developing a Sense of Security Within The Neighborhood
Finally, parents need to encourage their children to feel secure both in and out of the home. You can achieve these in several ways. First, parents should make an effort to teach children how to look after themselves while they’re away from home by encouraging them to carry a cell phone or wear a medical alert bracelet on the off chance that an accident should occur and they need urgent medical care. Also, parents need to encourage their children to be friendly with their neighbors, but to also stay on guard and keep a close eye on their belongings. Children should also have a safe place to play outside. You can accomplish this by making sure that there are no broken lights that can pose a tripping hazard and by keeping an eye out for any suspicious characters in the neighborhood.
To sum up, there is no real “right way” to raise your children. The best way is the one that works for you and your children. If you think that top-down parenting is the best way to raise your kids, then it’s important to love them unconditionally and show them that you know when they need help, or when they need a good talking to. It’s equally important not to be overly strict, though, and let your kids know that you’re always there for them.