
Never Underestimate The Influence Of Childproofing

Clever New Childproofing Products for Your Home

Becoming a new parent is a daunting and often a chaotic experience. Your once peaceful home becomes a frenzy of napping, changing, late night crying, parental “disputes”, and paranoid tip toeing. Everything you once held sacred is transformed in an instant by an 8lb bundle of poo, sick, cuddles and sleep.

The sense of care every parent feels towards their new child becomes all-consuming as you worry about minor rashes, are they breathing too slow? are they breathing too fast? why are they crying so much? or why are they not crying? Every little thing, no matter how minor, no matter how many times you hear “Don’t worry, it’s nothing”, becomes a reason to stress. What you have to remember is that this is completely normal. Every parent feels like this and every parent feels that they are paranoid about feeling it.

Unfortunately, these thoughts, however strong, are only the main course to be served once the child reaches the age of seven to ten months. 

Safety becomes a constant issue as you scan every room, every new area identifying potential hazards and pre-emptying potential trouble hotspots. Even a crawling child can surprise you with the speed that they can get to the hanging cable you had spotted only seconds earlier or that open washing machine that you were on your way to close. Inside your own home potential hazards number in their hundreds: flights of stairs, power outlets along almost every wall, cleaning products in the kitchen cabinets, the kitchen drawers full of knives, the door to the garage with its spring-loaded mechanism, and any manner of other things that adults take for granted but pose potential hazards to children. This is where childproofing is a must!

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For every potential hazard, you find, however, there are a hundred different solutions, from home-made methods that your elderly relative swear by to expensive but potentially useless trinkets found on Amazon, a way to pray on your worry and empty your wallet at the same time. Everybody has their own idea of how to keep your little ones safe but how do you know which ones are best for your child while also keeping your home running smoothly and looking at least a little bit respectable for the neighbors and their condescending looks? The sheer number of products available can be daunting, from soft corners for hard surfaces to furniture straps to keep your heavy fixtures and TVs from toppling over, to the more standard child locks for kitchen doors. Knowing what to buy and what’s useful in our modern homes can be a difficult task. 

That’s where we come in. We’ve scoured the shops and combed the Internet to come up with the following list of clever childproofing products for your home

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The Virtual Night Nanny

Every conscious parent will at some point look into getting a video monitor system so they can keep an eye on their child as they sleep. This clever device by Decco takes the idea a little further. It was invented by two moms whose toddlers liked to wander from their bed at night, the Toddler Monitor is hung on your child’s doorknob and sends your cell phone an alert if your child leaves their bedroom, thus alerting you to nighttime time wanderings.     >>

The Decoy Button

Children like to push and prod anything that catches their attention. Toilet flushes. Remote control buttons. The buttons on your washing machine. Anything is fair game to an inquisitive child. Well, Safety 1st’s OutSmart collection is a fun way to satisfy their curiosity while at the same time keeping them safe. The Outsmart collection is a series of fake buttons that can be stuck to various things like toilets, doors, and various buttons that mimic the actual buttons of the items. This way your child gets to play, not become frustrated and stays safe.

Evenflo Soft and Wide Gate

Do you have a house layout that is irregular? Do you have doorways that are larger than usual or a staircase that’s an unusual shape? Then Evenflo Soft and Wide Gate is the product for you. Its soft exterior and pressure mounted fitting make it ideal for irregular and extra wide openings, offering protection while at the same time having a soft exterior to prevent bumps and scrapes. It is also easily portable and a cinch to put up and take down making it ideal to take on trips to friends and family members houses.

Poolguard PGRM-2 In-Ground Pool Alarm

One of our favorite childproofing products. Here’s a thoroughly modern solution for the more affluent parents. The Poolguard PGRM-2 In-Ground Pool Alarm is an easy to fit alarm that delivers complete peace of mind for swimming pool safety. Poolguard offers an in-ground pool alarm that triggers whenever the pool water rises. Because the alarm cannot be deactivated once installed in the pool, even by small wandering hands, you will always know if someone is in the pool when they shouldn’t be.

4Moms Spout Cover

Bath time should be fun, not fearful. This cushioned foam spout cover sits on the faucet and protects babies from faucet-induced bumps and bruises. Unlike your average spout cover, 4Moms Spout Cover includes a color-coded digital thermometer to let you know when the water is a comfortable (and safe) temperature.

Clear View Baby Mirror by Clippasafe

Keep an eye on your little one as you drive with this brilliant rear view mirror by Clippasafe. Its curved design gives a wide view and it is easy to attach and easy to adjust, ensuring you get the best view of your child. 

So, there you have it. Our list of thoroughly modern and clever childproofing products for your home.

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