
Activities and Cooking for Kids

It’s good for a parent to stay connected with their child cause that’s how you built up a bond with them. And what can be better than getting involved with them by playing together or cooking together? It’s fun. And more importantly, it’s educational. You can make special memories with your kid! Here are some activities and cooking for kids which you can share with them.

Clothes Designing

Have a design competition and let your kid design the clothes he/she wants to wear. They will be busy in the next hour playing with their clothes, making sure that they are perfect enough to be worn. You can put some limits on them like no use of glitters or no silk material or something. When your kid gets bored, help him/her to make the clothes. You can stitch it or you can give it to a tailor.

Decorating Eggs

Easter is almost here. Have an egg decorating competition with your kid. Give them different pastes and paints to decorate their eggs. Stick Easter greetings on the kids’ eggs such as “Happy Easter”, “Hope you enjoy Easter”. It’s a fun way for kids to express themselves.

Painting for Toddlers

Babies and toddlers have very fine motor skills. They love to touch everything. Painting is a fun way to help them develop their fine motor skills. Just get some colored brushes and paint on a large piece of canvas or just on paper. Let your toddler explore the colors and paint for hours to come. He/she may not make much sense but that’s okay! It’s an exploration time! Any blobs of colors will do.

Making Puppet Theater

Cut out some basic characters from cardboard and let your toddler decorate them with colorful papers, stickers, paint, and any other art material he/she wants to use. Have your Children make a storyboard for their puppet theater play. This is a fun way to encourage them to form sentences. They will love it! The puppet play is sure to entertain you too!

Reading Time With Mums and Dads

Bring your kids’ favorite book and let them sit beside you while reading it. Your kids will love the closeness with you. You can read out loud or they can read out to you. They will enjoy the cozy time spent with you.

Bath Time Fun

Bath is always fun for kids! Add in some fun bath toys for your kid and let him/her explore them. Body painting is also a fun activity to do during bath time! There are special paints for bath time, so you don’t have to worry if it ruins the tub! Let your child use his/her imagination.

Bath Time Games

Kids love to play! Give them some bath sponges and let them throw them at each other. You can also use squishy balls, fizzy balls, and glow sticks. Just keep in mind that the toys must be safe for kids! Choose the harmless toys.

Cooking Their Favorite Food Together

Cooking is one of the best ways for parents to bond with their children. Doing this together is fun and it’s educational too! You can teach your child about all the different foods by making them try different flavors of the same food. Cooking together is a great way to get your kid involved in cooking!

Making Card Decorations

You can make greeting cards for special occasions. Make a card for your child, spouse, sibling, and friends. Cut out some shapes from colored papers and glue them on the card. It’s a simple way to encourage your child to express his/her thoughts in words.

Making Puzzle for Kids

Just draw a puzzle of something like a house or animal. Make some easy puzzles for your child to enjoy. You can make the puzzle pieces big for your kid so that he/she can play with them.

Painting Together

Just paint it out! Paint your kid’s favorite animal or any other object she/he loves. Let them enjoy the painting and then you can frame it together.

Shopping Together

Just like a “Taste of India” experience, take your kid to the grocery stores and let them pick their favorite foods to cook for you. They will be so happy when they see all the choices you have in your refrigerator!

Singing Fun

Let your child learn some new songs and make some fun memories together. Sometimes just singing can make a mood lighter. And it can also bring down the stress in your home. Let your child sing some old favorite disco songs. It won’t take much to remember the old songs for you!

Playing with Letters

You can always play a memory game or word match with your kid. It’s educational and fun! You can let them pick the subject of the memory game or word match by giving them a list of things that start with a specific letter. Or you can mix it up by giving your kid some funny suggestions of words.

Picnic With Them

Let them choose all the food they like to eat for a picnic and then prepare a basket to take along. Have some activities together such as building a fort, playing with bubbles, or painting pictures. Make sure that you’re having enough food for your child as well!

Scent Making for Kids

It’s time to exercise your kids’ senses! Let them make some scent items. There are many other ways to do this like rolling a ball in charcoal and burning it, baking kitty balls and letting the kids lick them, making candles and burning them, or making some dye with food coloring and letting the kids dip their fingers in it.

In the end, it’s all about spending some quality time with your kids. Do it however you want to and make them feel connected with yourself.

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