
Should your child be vaccinated?

Vaccination is the best possible way to protect your baby from many dangerous diseases. Babies are prone to a lot of diseases especially in the first 3-6 months of birth. Illnesses such as tetanus, measles, whooping cough, polio, diphtheria, mumps, haemophilus influenza, hepatitis B, chicken pox, human papillomavirus virus can be prevented for life by properly vaccinating your children. As it stands currently, most parents don’t see the need to vaccinate their kids and its usually because they have no idea of the benefits of vaccination.

%name Should your child be vaccinated?

Below are a few benefits of child vaccination that you may not know

1. vaccination protects your child

There are several dangerous diseases that attack children when they are born. These illness are prevented when your child receives proper vaccination. Take a disease such as polio for example, this was once one of America’s deadliest and most feared child disease, but thanks to immunization its strength and power has dwindled over time.

2. Immunization helps and protects others.

When a child is vaccinated, they are no longer at risk of contacting and spreading any preventable diseases.

3. Vaccinations are safe and effective.

Most people do not allow their child to be vaccinated because they are scared of the vaccines. They fear that the vaccines are not safe and could harm the child. This notion is wrong though, vaccines are very safe for kids at the recommended age. They are tested and confirmed suitable before released by the World Health Organization.

4. Saves time and money.

Proper immunization for your child can save you time and money. This is because when your child is vaccinated at the right time, you can steer clear from all those diseases that can be prevented. When you refuse to immunize your children, you run the risk of developing disabilities in your child from these illness’s causing you to spend more money and time seeking solutions.

5. Vaccination can protect future generations.

Proper vaccination for children against these diseases will go a long way in protecting our future generations from them. Most vaccine-preventable diseases are fading out now because the current generation are all immune to them. In time, most of these diseases will not be available to disturb anyone again in the future.

%name Should your child be vaccinated?

The type of Vaccinations every child should receive

1. The 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 vaccine (also called DPT-Polio)
This vaccine protects your child against the deadly effects of tetanus, diphtheria, polio, Hib disease and pertussis.

2. Pneumococcal vaccine
This works to protect against diseases caused by streptococcus pneumoniae such as meningitis and ear infections.

3. MMR vaccines
This protects your child against mumps, measles and rubella.

4. HPV vaccine
It protects your child from HPV related diseases such as cervical cancer and warts.

5. Hepatitis B
This protects your child from the Hepatitis B disease.

6. Rotavirus
This vaccine protects children from rotavirus. A form of virus that causes severe diarrhea in children.

%name Should your child be vaccinated?

All these vaccines are safe to administer to children of the recommended age brackets. Special attention are paid to kids with chronic health problems such as leukaemia.
Preventing your children from getting proper vaccinations can be very deadly as this vaccine preventable diseases cause a whole lot of disabilities in kids. Measles can reach the brain and damage it, mumps cause ear problems, polio leads to paralysis, hepatitis B causes severe liver infection and so on. It is best to allow your baby to receive the necessary needed vaccination when due than to let your child suffer.

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