
Activities Siblings Can Do Together

Activities you can do with siblings are a great way to get the children to bond, learn to share and how to handle healthy competition.  These are also lifesavers when you are stuck indoors or can’t get out to the playground.

Lava Leap

This is a fun, active game with two or more siblings.  Throw pillows on the floor – they will be the rocks sitting in lava (the floor).  Let the children jump from couch to couch without touching the floor unless it’s a pillow.  If they touch the floor, they melt in the lava!

T-shirt Walk

Put two kids in an old t-shirt and let them walk in the house. Preferably pick a room or place with less sharp objects just in case.  Have them complete a list of tasks.  This activity is also perfect for playing in the backyard on the grass.

Apple roll

Have the kids roll an apple between their bodies without touching the apple with their hands, or dropping it. 

Ball Roll

Have two children hold a long piece of cardboard with their hands and roll a tennis ball (or another type of soft ball) back and forward without it falling on the floor.  Time them to see how long they can keep the ball moving on the cardboard.


This is perfect for elevating the mood in the house.  Turn on their favorite music and let the kids dance around.  Then stop the music.  The children must freeze until the music starts playing again.  If anyone moves before you start the music again, they get a point.  The child with the most points loses. 

Body Ball

Get a beach ball or balloon and toss it in the air.  The players can’t touch the ball with their hands or let it fall on the floor.  They are only allowed to touch it with their noses, heads, feet, elbows, and tummy.  If you want to make it harder, as someone gets out, take away a piece of the body they can use to touch the ball.

Balloon Burst

Watch out, this one is going to be loud.  Get the kids to go outside.  Tie an inflated balloon to the right ankle of each players leg and leave a three-foot-long string.  Tell the kids they must pop each other’s balloon by stepping or hopping on the balloon.  The last one to have a unpopped balloon tied to their foot is the winner.

Together we stand

Sit two kids on the floor, backs together and arms linked at the elbows.  Leave some treats strewn around the house on the floor for them.  Instruct the kids to get themselves up and standing.  They must keep their backs touching and elbows linked (they will need to push against each other to get up).  Once they are up, get them to find the treat and retrieve them from the floor without unlinking from each other. 

Potato Baby

Put bowls at a finish line.  Then mark a starting point across the room.  Give each child a potato.  Have the children travel with the potato between their knees to the bowl without dropping it.  They must put the potato in the bowl at the finish line.  They can’t use their hands.  If they lose the potato, they must pick it up with their knees.

Build a Tower

Have the kids build a tower together from what’s around the house.  Pillows, pots and pans, quilts, anything really.  When they are finished, they can knock it down.

Blindfold Treasure Hunt

Place a few treats all around the house and blindfold one of the kids.  Let the other child, who is not blindfolded, guide the blindfolded child to the treat.  Trick is they can only use words.  They are not allowed to use their hands to guide them.

Body Paint

Get a large roll of paper, have one of the kids lie down and draw an outline around their body. Then let them go to town with some paints and craft supplies to decorate the inside the shape. 

These activities will help you to keep your children busy.  They are great ways to foster bonding, problem-solving and teaching them how to have some healthy competition.  Best of all, they are easy, and you don’t need a whole lot of resources to show them how to have fun.


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